We strengthened comprehensive auditing of local governments 'debt and management of their financing platforms, thus effectively controlling latent economic risks. 加强地方政府性债务全面审计和地方政府融资平台管理,有效控制经济运行中的风险隐患。
Data auditing is a new auditing model, which bring us not only the changes in auditing methods, but also the comprehensive transformation of auditing mentality. 数据式审计是一种崭新的审计模式,它带给我们的不仅仅是审计技术、方法的变更,更是审计思维的全面转变。
Obscure comprehensive evaluation method of the leader economic responsibility auditing 军队领导干部经济责任审计模糊综合评价探讨
For according to the development of network, comprehensive innovation should be required in the auditing theories and practices. 为了适应网络时代发展,审计理论与实务必须有全面的创新。
As a comprehensive supervision department with regard to national finance, government auditing administration has internal connection with the prevention work against post crime. 政府审计作为国家财政经济的综合监督部门,与预防职务犯罪工作存在着内在的联系。
Audit Risk Management ( ARM) is a general, systematic, and comprehensive administrative method employed to attain the most optimal effectiveness of auditing. 审计风险管理是为达到最理想的审计效果而采取的全面、系统、综合的管理方法。
A Comprehensive Environmental Auditing Tool of Products: Life Cycle Inventory 综合产品环境审计工具:生命周期清单分析
Making a comprehensive view of the existing researches, people attribute the factors that ( affect) auditing quality to the quality of auditors, industrial self-regulation, governmental regulation, social ( environment), etc. 综观已有的研究成果,人们将影响审计质量的因素归于审计人员的素质、行业自律、政府监管、社会环境等因素。
The reliability of auditing beforehand relies on predication and is a contestable control, and the auditing afterwards is a uncontestable control, Comprehensive use of these two kinds of auditing can benefit from each other. 事前审计的可靠性取决于预测,是一种不确定性控制。事后审计是一种稳定性控制,综合运用二者则会相得益彰。
Therefore, the main goal of this text is to construct a comparatively comprehensive, systematic, reasonable and effective audit theory system structure and provide reference to thorough research of auditing, especially to nongovernmental audit. 因此,本文的主要目的是构建一个较为全面、系统、合理而有效的审计理论体系结构,为系统深入地研究审计理论特别是民间审计理论提供参考。
And ( 3) establishing a comprehensive auditing system. 建立全面稽核管理制度。
In the west, research on auditor changes has a history of over 40 years and has achieved comprehensive achievements while in China, the auditing of the security market starts much later and the study of the auditor changes begins only in recent three or four years. 国外对于审计师变更行为的研究已有40年的历史,并已取得广泛的研究成果,由于我国证券审计市场起步较晚,国内对审计师变更的研究仅是近三四年的事。
Through the measures above, we can expect to see the comprehensive and sustainable development of relief funds auditing. 通过以上综合性的举措,全面可持续地推进救灾资金审计的健康发展。
However, it must be evaluated by comprehensive performance auditing whether these government investments would achieve the maximum expected benefit. 但是,这些政府投资项目是否达到预期的最大效益必须通过全面的绩效审计来衡量。
They are the results of a comprehensive judgment by CPAs, and auditing professional judgment is the core of audit. 审计报告是注册会计师对审计事项进行综合判断的结果,审计职业判断是审计工作的核心。
Finally, the research and design of the Guangdong Provincial Traffic comprehensive law enforcement information system, a detailed analysis of detailed description of the law enforcement and supervision subsystem, the case handling subsystem, system management subsystem, mobile content and functionality such as auditing subsystem. 最后,研究设计了广东省交通综合执法信息系统,详细介绍了执法监督子系统,案件办理子系统,系统管理子系统,移动稽查子系统等内容和功能。